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The World Robotics Conference 2011
This is a fascinating conference of robotics surgery. Surgeons from around the world, who are offering robotic operations, come together to discuss their experience and outcomes. -
The International Conference On Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTE)
NOTES is a very innovative surgical approach to abdominal surgery. It uses natural orifices as access into the abdominal cavity. -
World Robotic Symposium 2011
The world robotics symposium in June 27-29th, which highlighted the great impact of the robotics surgical technology and the challenges that we are going to face in the near future. -
RPSG Conference June 6-8th, 2011
On Monday June 6 through the 8thI participated in RPSG (reduced port surgical group) conference held by Drs. Paul Curcillo and Stephanie King in Philadelphia, PA. -
The Tricks Of The Trade In General Surgery Web Symposium, June 10th, 2011
On Friday, Jeffrey Ponsky, Jeffrey Marks, and Todd Ponsky from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University Hospitals Case Medical Center Cleveland, Ohio put together an interactive...
Pancreas Club and SSAT/DDW May 2011
The Pancreas Club conference brings surgeons together from around the world to share their research outcomes and clinical experience with disorders of the pancreas. The SSAT during the DDW (digestive...
SAGES 2011
SAGES, like many of our national surgical conferences, is a wonderful opportunity for both established surgeons and those who are in training to network and exchange ideas for improvement of patient... -
AHPBA Conference March 2011
The annual meeting 2011 of the AHPBA (Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association) in beautiful Miami Beach.
Annual National Women In Surgery Career Symposium
On March 4-6th,2011 the Annual National Women in Surgery Career Symposium was undertaken and was very well attended. -
Second Annual National Women In Surgery Career Symposium
More comments from participants about the 2011 Second Annual National Women in Surgery Career Symposium.