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Pancreas Club, SSAT/DDW May 2011
One week ago I returned from two very interesting conferences in Chicago. The first conference was the Pancreas Club which meets once a year. This national and international conference brings surgeons together from around the world to share their research outcomes and clinical experience with disorders of the pancreas. At the conference, I was one of the the poster professors and moderated a very interesting session which discussed outstanding research from Japan, Europe, and the US. Although we don't have yet all the answers for pancreatic cancer, I can assure you that the surgical community is working very hard to find a cure.
The second conference was the SSAT during the DDW (digestive disorders week). This national and international conference allows surgeons to share their experiences with innovative technology with regard to various surgical approaches. There I presented my surgical videos demonstrating the newest surgical laparoscopic approach called LaparoEndoscopic Single Site (LESS) Surgery. Surgeons from around the world were very interested in learning and mastering this cutting-edge surgical approach. Hopefully, more surgeons will soon be able to offer this minimally invasive surgical approach around the country.
GWU Grand Rounds Presentation May 2011
From Chicago I flew to Washington DC where I was invited to give grand rounds (GR) presentation at the George Washington University (GWU) School of Medicine regarding LESS Foregut Surgery. It was very special for me to give GR at GWU because I completed my medical education there (medical school). Unfortunately, I spent mother's day alone in Chicago, during this long trip, away from my kids, husband, and dog (Hunter). However, as you can see, medicine/surgery is my passion, my calling and everyday I try to balance both worlds - some days better than others.
Until the next conference, peace!