
Sharona Ross, M.D. Gives Presentation At 2016 Society Of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Meeting

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At the 2016 Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Dr. Ross gave several presentations on several topics she is currently researching and are considered noteworthy topics in the area of laparoendoscopic surgery. Many prominent surgeons with memberships in SLS and whose expertise lies within laparoendoscopic surgery come together at the annual SLS meeting each year. It is a chance to share and discuss the latest innovations in minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures and ways to continually improve methods of providing the very best patient care.

Dr. Ross presented on the following topics:

Scientific Papers:

  • Over 250 Distal Pancreatectomies: Our Experience and Journey to the Minimally Invasive Approach
  • Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder: The Value Patients Assign To “Scarless” Laparoscopic Surgery
  • LESS Surgery Avoids Body Image Disturbance and Improves Patient Satisfaction with Appearance of their Abdomen

Video Presentation:

  • 2nd Trimester Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site Cholecystectomy

Author of an Award-Winning Scientific Paper

Dr. Ross spoke about various surgical procedures, including more than 250 distal pancreatectomies and splenectomies that we have experienced at Florida Tampa Hospital, noted in her many scientific papers. This signifies a rapid development and improvement in the available technologies for minimally invasive surgery and robotics. Her video presentation discussed cholecystectomy procedure for women in their second trimester of pregnancy.

She further presented two of her abstracts of patients who have praised the results of LESS surgery and marked improvements in their body image following the procedure. SLS hailed this as a featured presentation, earning Dr. Ross the Paul Alan Wetter Award for Best Scientific Paper.

Reach Out to Florida Hospital Tampa

Florida Hospital Tampa, part of the Florida Hospital Physician Group c/o Adventist Health System and Sharona Ross, M.D., has been one of the leading surgical teams in the Greater Tampa area. We are committed to serving our community with compassionate medical care and relying on the most revolutionary and up-to-date advances in minimally invasive surgical care.

If you would like to learn more about the conditions we treat, please contact us today!

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