
SAGES 2014 Annual Conference

A daughter hugs her mother as they participate in a breast cancer walk.
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Dr. Ross traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to be in attendance for the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Societies (SAGES) annual conference. This year was an exciting year as she was chosen to present our research, “Does The Cost of Robotic Cholecystectomy Translate to Financial Burden?” as a podium presentation during the plenary session. Dr. Ross was also chosen to co-chair the panel, “Getting Your Video Accepted.”

Dr. Sharona Ross has been involved with the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Societies for a number of years, performing various roles including being on the Program Committee from 2011-present and on the Technology Committee from 2011-present .She is esteemed in her field and has won numerous awards for her work with minimally invasive surgery for those with pancreatic cancer or digestive disorders.

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