
Olympus LESS Master's Class Held At Florida Hospital Tampa

Attendees as the Golden Gala
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We held an Olympus LESS Master's Class here at Florida Hospital Tampa on September 29th-30th. A dinner was held on the 29thand was the perfect beginning to the training course. During the dinner, Dr. Sharona Ross presented on the advantages of LESS Surgery. Surgeons traveled from as far away as Hawaii to attend the course, which included presentations, direct or observation and an animal training lab.

The surgeons who attended the course were able to observe three cholecystectomy cases. The purpose of this course is to assist laparoscopic surgeons with incorporating LESS Surgery into their practices. The next course will be on November 3rdand 4thhere at FHT.

Florida Hospital Tampa is composed of a team of highly experienced Tampa laparoscopic surgeons who are driven towards providing top-level procedures. They are committed to providing qualified help for those dealing with pancreatic cancer and digestive disorders through minimally invasive advanced robotic surgery.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call our Tampa office at Call813-615-7030!

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